Influencer Blueprint Show

Podcast by Brandy Williams

Episode 47:

Renee & Anthony Blodgett: How Consciousness Can Strengthen Your Immune System

Brandy Williams Interviews Industry Leaders

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Renee & Anthony Blodgett: How Consciousness Can Strengthen Your Immune System

Renee and Anthony are the voices behind Blue Soul Earth® which is focused on igniting global consciousness by bridging the worlds of science and spirituality.

They ignite the human potential and help others transform from within by tapping into their own innate wisdom, so the answers to the questions of “Why am I here? And, how do I step into my life to live a more joyful life?” come with both ease and grace.

During the show we discuss:

  • Helping people about consciousness & spiritual awakening
  • Consciousness
  • How consciousness is related to stronger immune systems
  • How our energy affects our physical body
  • What Chakras is
  • Ways to find and open your Chakras

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