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8 Companies That Help Build Business Credit [Secret Vendors]

Reviewed by Ty Crandall

June 27, 2024
8 Companies That Help Build Business Credit [Secret Vendors]

It’s important that your business has good credit so that you do not have to ruin your personal credit utilization, which in turn will tank your personal credit score, by using your personal credit card for business expenses. 

However, building business credit is not a passive activity like building personal credit. It has to be done intentionally. 

The process is not complicated, but that doesn’t mean it is easy. Having help makes the process easier and faster. Here are 9 companies that help build business credit. 

1. Credit Suite

First up is Credit Suite. They were created with the intent and mission of helping small business owners first establish and then build business credit.

Their Business Credit Builder gives business owners access to powerful resources that will help establish and build business credit.

It also includes access to a coach. This is a business credit expert and finance specialist who will provide guidance and answer any questions you have.

Credit Suite offers unique insight into which creditors and credit card issuers will both extend business credit without an already existing business credit score and report positive payment history to the business credit bureaus.

The time and money saved compared to what it would take to stumble through trial and error can make the difference for many between the success or failure of the business. There’s no need to blindly apply for business credit cards and trade credit just hoping they will report.  

Credit Suite also offers a number of financing options through partners that are used to help their clients fund their business and build their business credit score at the same time. 

These include options like small business loans, business credit card options, the Credit Line Hybrid, merchant cash advances, business lines of credit, and more.

Credit Suite’s staff have their finger on the pulse of the business lending industry and can point you in the right direction from building business credit to funding your business and beyond. You can start to build business credit in 30 days.

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2. eCredable

With eCredable, you can get payments on business accounts that do not typically report to the business credit bureaus, reported. 

They sell a subscription to the program called Business Lift. If you have a subscription, eCredable will report your payments on business accounts, including utilities, to the following business credit bureaus: 

  • Dun & Bradstreet
  • Experian
  • Equifax
  • CreditSafe

They have been approved and authorized to report payment information to each of these bureaus.

It really is a genius concept, but it may not be exactly as it seems, not yet anyway. 

According to the fine print, just because they report payments, does not mean the bureaus have to include them in the calculation of the business credit score. For example, they note that currently Dun & Bradstreet and Experian include payments for the actual eCredable subscription at this time.

Furthermore, they state that they cannot guarantee that Equifax or CreditSafe will accept payment information received from eCredable

That does not mean this isn’t a good deal. There is still much potential, and it is likely to improve over time. 

They do what they say they will do, as in they report the information to whom they say they will. They just cannot control what the recipients do with the information. Even if just your subscription is reported, your business credit profile will improve if you make the payments on time. That will help you be able to secure financing, like business credit cards, in the future. 

3. CreditStrong

CreditStrong is another unique business credit building product. Here’s how it works. 

A business owner applies for a Credit Strong credit builder plan. Plans are available in the following amounts:

  • $2,500
  • $5,000
  • $10,000
  • $25,000

For each amount, there are two options. There is a no-interest option that has a higher one-time fee, but the monthly payments are lower. 

The interest option carries a lower one-time fee but a higher monthly payment. For example, at the $2,500 level, the one-time fee is $349 for the no-interest option and $149 for the interest option. However, the monthly payments are $100 and $115 respectively.

It’s important to note that this is not a loan in the sense that you receive funds. Rather, your monthly payments, minus interest if you have it, are put into a savings account for your business for the term of the “loan.” That’s 25 months.

At the end of the term, the funds become available to you. You cannot make withdrawals in the interim. 

How does that build your business credit score? Your “loan payments” that go into your savings account are reported as credit history, just like a credit card or loan payment, to Equifax, PayNet, and SBFE. 

While SBFE is not technically a credit bureau, it does provide information to credit bureaus, including some that CreditStrong does not report to directly. 

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4. Crown Office Supplies

Crown Office Supplies is a net 30 vendor. Their net 30 accounts, powered by Dun & Bradstreet, are available to both new and established businesses. 

This is not a business credit card, but rather a trade credit account that allows you to order online from the vendor and delay payment for up to 30 days.

To qualify, a business must be in the United States and be in business for at least 90 days. There can be no derogatory marks or late payments on credit reports. 

Obviously, since it’s powered by Dun & Bradstreet, they ask for the DUNS number on the application as well. If you don’t have one, you can get one for free on the D&B website. 

You must be an Authorized Officer and Controlling Party of the business entity to submit the application. 

When opening an account, they and all vendors for that matter, must obtain, verify, and record information for Beneficial Owners of an entity customer to comply with Federal regulations. 

Beneficial Owners are, for these purposes, defined as key individuals who directly or indirectly own the company, at a level of 25% or greater, or are the trustee of a trust that has 25% or greater ownership.

5. CEO Creative

CEO Creative also offers a Net 30 trade credit account, and they can help build your entire online presence. They offer plans for building and designing websites, logos, and more. 

To qualify a business must: 

  • Be a US Business
  • ​Be in existence for at least 30 days
  • ​Have a clean business history
  • ​No Late payments

There is a membership required to get Net 30 financing, but it is unclear as to if there is a membership cost. 

It’s also unclear as to whether they report, and if so who they report to. It is noted in their terms and conditions that, as soon as you enter a website contract they start reporting to credit bureaus. 

However, it is unclear as to which bureaus these are and whether they relate to business or personal credit.        

Assuming they do report a positive credit history to any business credit bureau, obviously at least one of your business credit scores would grow 

However, even if they do not, a Net 30 account in your business name can be very helpful. Since the approval requirements are minimal, they are a good addition to this list.  

Aside from helping you fund your business, it can be used as a tradeline reference. That is an account that you use as a reference with a creditor to help you get approval for more funding, like business credit cards or lines of credit, in the future.

6. Wise Business Plan

Wise Business Plans provides business planning and consulting services. They are unique in that they offer Net 30 terms for these services, and report payments to commercial credit agencies, thus helping you build a good business credit score. 

They specialize in creating custom business plans, but they also offer a variety of other services to help entrepreneurs and business owners. 

A well-written, professional business plan is pivotal to gaining financing, and it requires a lot of expertise that many small business owners do not have. 

This includes in-depth market research, projected financials, and more. The writers at Wise Business Plans are experienced MBAs who know what they are doing. 

Qualification requirements include: 

  • U.S. Businesses Only
  • Valid Tax ID Number (aka EIN)
  • Filed Entity with Secretary of State (SOS)
  • No Major Business Delinquencies (judgments, collections, liens)

They currently report to Creditsafe, Experian Business, and Equifax Business, but note that this is subject to change at any time. 

There is a $99 annual fee (similar to the annual fee required by many credit cards) for a Net 30 account. It must be paid when you submit the application but will be refunded if you are denied approval. There is also a minimum spend requirement of $164 to keep the account active. 

7. Office Garner

Office Garner is another office supplies vendor that offers a Net30 tradeline. To apply, a business owner must: 

  • Have a Tax ID # for business (EIN)
  • Operate in the United States
  • Not have any derogatory business reporting or delinquencies
  • Be an Authorized Officer of the organization

They note that they report to credit bureaus as a way to encourage customers to make their payments on time. 

They do not note which bureaus they report to, or if they are personal or business. However, the application asks for business information, so the assumption that they report to business credit bureaus is not far-fetched. 

While the products they offer are similar to those offered by other office supply companies that extend Net 30 terms, you can never have too many options. 

Having more than one of these types of vendors with Net 30 accounts is good for your business for a number of reasons.

First, not all companies will have all products in stock at all times. Furthermore, you are not stuck to paying a certain price just because of payment terms. 

If one vendor has a sale or a better price on a specific product than another, and you have a Net 30 account with both, you have options.

8. Uline

Uline offers office supplies, shipping supplies, cleaning supplies, and more. They do offer Net 30 payment options to businesses, but they give very little information on how to qualify. 

The “application” process is unique from the others on this list in that there really isn’t one, per se. 

When you place an order, you enter your customer number from the back of your catalog and then choose “invoice me” during the checkout process. 

If you qualify, you’ll receive a net billing account. There’s no mention of what it takes to qualify. They may check business credit scores, or they may simply verify you are an existing U.S. business. 

It’s also possible that your payment history with them makes a difference. So, if you are not approved, try again occasionally. 

This is really all of the information they offer. Of course, if you do not try you will obviously not receive an account. Other places online note that they will report to Dun & Bradstreet and Experian Business. 

It is definitely worth a shot to apply, even if you already have one or more with similar vendors. Each one can be used to help you build your business and your business credit, and with that, success is much more attainable. You can also read our full Uline net 30 review.

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Building business credit takes time. Randomly applying for business credit cards takes even more time. There is also much more that goes into building strong business credit than just having Net 30 accounts that report. 

To get business loans, like those offered through Small Business Administration programs, underwriters want to see bank account information, financials, and more. Still, this list is a great start to taking things step and step and making progress as quickly as possible.

About the author 

Faith Stewart

Faith has a BBA with a major in Accounting, and a combined 20 years of experience in the fields of finance and account.

Before switching to writing, she spent 10 years working in various areas of small business and personal finance and accounting, including working as a public auditor at BKD, LLP, Financial Director at Central Arkansas Development Council, and Commercial Credit Analyst at Farmer's Bank and Trust.

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